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A long-standing misconception: the poor quality of Chinese products

A long-standing misconception: the poor quality of Chinese products Everyone says, and everyone eventually believe it: products made in China are of poor quality.
For we who practice long suppliers Chinese, we can ensure that it is nothing. Is that the way of thinking of Westerners is completely different from that of the Chinese hold well one thing: the Chinese are eminently pragmatic. And give you always for your money.

However, we have become accustomed to turn to them asking them to still lower prices. Mind, they put you quality corresponding to the price you want to pay.
And they have no bad conscience if they had to put the aluminum foil food to "isolate" the exhaust pipe of the bikes you ordered them...

Where a European manufacturer will refuse to make because it can afford to provide too bad products, (he knows just won't do), Chinese, him, he can, and it gives you, or at least, it sells to you. Without qualms. You to be coherent and realistic.
How is it possible to a Mercedes for the price of a Twingo? If you was such an offer, you méfieriez you, and you'd be right. But it is still that we are asking the factory of the world.

However, the Chinese are quite capable of producing qualitatively, if you put a reasonable price in the face. Their planes fall nor those of Westerners, or their bridges...

So, will you help me to restore the truth about the poor quality of products made in China?