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The first West African conference on the Franchise on 20, 21 and 22 June in Abidjan, Ivory Coast: a great success.

The first West African conference on the Franchise on 20, 21 and 22 June in Abidjan, Ivory Coast: a great success. The objective of this demonstration by CIOA Abidjan, the network CIOA delegation, led by Désiré Brou, was to discover the institutional and the business world, how the franchise could be a lever for development.
Workshops which are allowed to a diverse audience to apprehend the franchise in all its aspects: legal, finance, master franchisees, proposal of commercial franchises, services, industrial.
The CIOA was also able to present his franchise for local communities: SERCLIDEV, serving local communities for innovation and development.
Guest of honour at this event, [url = http://www.franchise-land.com/content/olivier-gast-parcours-professionnel.html] Olivier GAST [/ url], the expert recognized franchise for 30 years, to made on the occasion of the thematic workshops that have come and gone, lighting perfect on the potential of the Franchise in Africa.
Ivorian proponents have been particularly sensitive to the possibility that they were offered on this occasion themselves become franchisors, from solutions they might develop to meet specific and easily repeating problems in the country, subregion and why not in the world.
Discover the details of the event as well as the photo [/ url] report