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Where to buy the Lotus Leaf Extract

Profile: Manufacturer - Producer|Ref:PSL 2333YH | Country: China | Export: No

country : China

Lotus Leaf Extract
Folium Nelumbinis Extract
Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. Extract
Lotus Leaf/
Folium Nelumbinis
Lotus Leaf is the dried leaf of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. (Fam. Nymphaeaceae).
Action: To relieve summer-heat, to invigorate the spleen function of the spleen and arrest bleeding by reducing heat in blood.
Folium Nelumbinis (carbonized): To arrest bleeding, remove blood stasis.
Indications: ummer-heat with dire thirst; diarrhea caused by summer-damp or hypofunction of the spleen; spitting of blood, epistaxis, hematochezia and abnormal uterine bleeding caused by heat in blood.
Folium Nelumbinis (carbonized): Various kind of bleeding and massive postpartion hemorrhage


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