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Yttrium-Europium Oxide

Profile: Manufacturer - Producer|Ref:PSL 359532YH | Country: Chine | Export: Yes


Molecular Formula: (Y+Eu)2O3
Properties:white and slight pink powder,insoluble in water but soluble in acids.
Uses & Applications:phospors
Purity: (Y+Eu)2O3/TREO≥99.9% TREO≥99% LOI≤1.0%
Rare Earth Impurities: La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu≤2ug/g Ce<1ug/g
Non Rare Earth Impurities: Fe2O3≤3ug/g SiO2≤15ug/g CaO≤6ug/g Ni≤2ug/g PbO≤3ug/g Cl-≤80ug/g


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